Saturday, May 31, 2014

Playing with lighting

This last shoot was super fun. Its nice not having parameters on shoots. It was pretty liberating, just going out an experimenting with my home made reflector. And, you know, having your best friend as the subject also makes the experience that much more enjoyable. So why am I so late with these? Well, things happened and long story short, Photoshop has left my desktop. I have Photoshop Elements on my laptop, but my laptop is really stoopid (yes, with two Os). I've been working on a few techniques I picked up in college and have not worked with in a while, to work on brightening/darkening etc. Anyway, here they are.

This one is actually the one I had a system for, after playing with the others shown below. My biggest issue with it right now is the hotspot merging her face and the sky. But like I said, my laptop is stoopid.

 Playing around with different levels on these three. I like the lighting of the last, however the color is a bit too vibrant. Once I have Photoshop back on my desktop and am no longer confined to the ridiculousness that is my laptop, I hope to be able to edit some more of these. In the mean time, I hope to head out and shoot some more. My summer goal is to photograph something (literally anything) with some form of a technique once a week, and maybe do a larger shoot once a month. So, here it is...ta da! Draft 1 of playing with reflectors!


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