Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The original intention of this blog was to post my work and show it off to the world. However, as a business owner, I haven't exactly had the time to jump out into the world and create. So I thought about it, what is a blog without, well, blogging? I've decided to use this as not only a means of sharing my photos with the audience of one (which is usually just me) but also as my way of working out what it is I want to shoot. And in!

Ehem. For the past few days I've been thinking about what it is that I'm interested in, what concepts speak to me the most. What is it that crosses my mind on a daily basis that maybe I just haven't been paying attention to?

I came to the conclusion of the passage of time and death.

Then I thought, "Wow, that's depressing."

I guess the way I've been thinking about death, dying, and time hasn't really burst my happy bubble. I'm still me, happy, sarcastic me. Then it hit me, I'm more interested in the old phrase "Memento mori", which translates to "Remember we all will die". It's not so much the fear of time moving too fast, or meeting our demise. It's more about coming to terms with our death do not fearing it, not looming too much on it and embracing that knowledge. All things must come to an end, and that is not to be feared, just understood. The lapse of time comes in by understanding that as we leave this earth, the world keeps turning.

Now, just to translate these thoughts into a visual. When I post next, the plan is to have some concept photos up and work from there. If there is anyone taking the time to read this, thank you.

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