Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Spring showers

I know I said I would come back with some first draft pics of the new idea, but the weather has been really crappy (in that its raining, I'm okay with it, the camera not so much).

However, don't fret! I do have a sort of photo, with a new (super old) side project.

It's been rather rainy out, and I love it when the poofy white cottony looking flowers (you know, the ones with all the pollen you blow on to make a wish) get wet. They make such funky, interesting shapes. The raindrops don't always knock all of the white puffs, and it makes for some aesthetically (college word usage!) pleasing images.

What is this post all about other than my procrastination due to rainy days?

 Well, here is the photo I took with my phone. I know, I know, it's not a super fantastic photo, it's not profound, it's definitely not award winning, so why is it here? Well, it's something. And a little bit of something, can turn into a much bigger something. It's an idea I've been toying with for a few years, and somehow come winter, I've lost my opportunity. This is my way of forcing myself to just photograph this f@*#er. And now on to what the plan is, since my phone isn't my best tool.
Her name, Diana, and she looks like this.
If you're not sure what the Diana F+ shoots like, check out this link. All photos are done with the Diana as a companion.

Anyway, back to my griping. I absolutely love this camera for many reasons. There are several color filters you can add to it, not to mention the super awesomeness that is the pinhole lens. You can use this camera to nearly the same affect as a Holga, or remove the lens and shoot some pretty trippy dream-like shots with the pinhole.

Oh yes, the plan. Its pretty simple, I want to shoot the poof balls after it rains with my Diana. I really don't understand why I haven't bought more film for it (Did she say FILM?? Yes, I did), nor why I don't carry it around more often. So, that's my little side project I've been thinking about for oh, since I got Diana for Christmas 3 years ago. Good grief. So, next time you will be in for a visual treat!


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